Rental Facilities

Freshly renovated dorm rooms in Wright Hall and Oak Hall are  available  for  use  by Christian groups through-out the season.  Our Hospitality House may be suitable for use by smaller groups. Contact Greg LeHew at 609-478-3578 (h) or 804-301-3754 (c) for further information. South Seaville Camp Meeting Association is one...

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Cape Atlantic District UMC We continue to grow in faith by partnering with Cape Atlantic District UMC’s and District Superintendent Brian Roberts. The journey continues with “Church Nights” and welcoming Youth Group Retreats in our upgraded Oak Hall. As disciples and servant leaders, may our efforts continue and grow our...

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Making Camp Green

DEAR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF SOUTH SEAVILLE CAMP MEETING ASSOCIATION, When the Association originally purchased this woodland site, it was shaded by white oak trees, which were little more than 30 years old.  Now, as we approach the Camp Meeting’s 156th anniversary, it is evident that many of these giant...

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