You are Cordially Invited to Attend our Annual Women’s Day
WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OFFICERS Debbie Hammond – President Margery Peiffer – Vice President Marilyn MacIntire – Recording Secretary Barbara Holland/Kathy Wert – Treasurer Eileen Bailey – Sunshine Barbara Whitlock – Membership
The Women’s Auxiliary is an active part of the association.
The auxiliary began in 1928 and provided activities as fundraisers to financially support the upkeep of the campground. It later expanded its ministry to give to the needs of others. Presently, we are a community of women whose mission is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ. We seek to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and expand concepts of mission through participation in ministries.
Wawa Shorti Hoagie Coupons ($6)
Yard Sale (June 8th) and Little Acorn Shoppe
Pizza Friday, July 26th – Preorder pizza with Women’s Auxiliary and pick up or eat in Grove Hall
Panzini’s Pizza House
Friday July 19th– all day (Mention Camp Meeting when ordering and the Women’s Auxiliary will receive a % of your total bill.)
South Seaville Camp Meeting
Ranch Hope
Neighborhood Center
4 Local Food Banks
Richard Ernst/Wycliffe Bible Translators
Cornerstone Women’s Ministry
Urban Promise
Malachi Network
Samaritan’s Purse