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Zoom Meetings

Due to the Coronavirus, we will be conducting eCamp this year and using platforms like Zoom to hold meetings and conduct services. Zoom works seamlessly across all your operating systems — PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android — so you aren’t locked into specific devices.

Zoom is probably such a popular video conferencing software option because it’s so easy to use: Once you’re set up, you only need a few clicks to start talking or communicating.

Join the Service or Bible Study
You can join the class in two ways: –

  1. Enter the Meeting ID and Password shared by the camp.
  2. You can also join with the Shareable Link of provided by the camp.

In joining,  you have no need to create an account on Zoom. You just have to install the Application of Zoom in your Computer, Mobile Phone, etc.

Tip: Always perform the Audio and Video Test before joining the meeting so that you can work out any kinks before the meeting.