Online Donation


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God calls us to give to advance His work. Unfortunately, in this day and age it does take money to do ministry. From paying the electric to funding outreach programs, money is required to be effective.


Our Mailing Address: P.O. Box 588;  South Seaville, NJ 08246
support of South Seaville Camp MeetingGiving to God is an act of worship. It is interesting to note, that from the beginning, “giving” has always been part of the “worship” activities of God’s people. While we could never adequately express our thanks to Him through our offerings, “giving” has always been the way for us to show our love and thanks to Him in a substantive way.
Making the most of your contributions include finding an organization that’s right for you and knowing about your tax benefits. The camp meeting – is registered with the IRS as a 501-c3 non-profit organization and has been given tax-exempt status. We appreciate your contributions to South Seaville Camp Meeting. Would you and/or your organization, please give prayerful consideration in supporting us? Your contributions to South Seaville Camp Meeting have a far reaching effect.
The past 145 years of our encampment are a testimony to God’s grace and His ability to transform lives. Ministers and missionaries have received their “calling” on the grounds of South Seaville.
Only eternity will reveal the full impact the encampment has had on this place in reaching the world beyond our gates. As the years unfold, we will invariably endeavor to proclaim, “From Oaks to the Ocean-Seaville and Salvation.”